The Musician Samurai Code is out on Amazon!

by Laurent Boghossian


The Musician Samurai Code

The Musician Samurai Code


It’s done!

At least, after spending months writing, rewriting and proofreading it, my coaching zen guide for musicians, The Musician Samurai Code is available online.

For now, only the digital versions are available on Amazon and Leanpub platforms.

Hard printed copies will come later on.

If you are a musician, I don’t want to convince you that this book was definitely written for you.

I just want you to make it yours.

Even if I don’t what you may think about it, I can promise that, after reading this book, you won’t perceive, play and see music the same way ever again.

I’ve already written a lot about this book on this blog, social networks and I could talk about it for hours since it is a true representation of who I am and what I am.

That’s why I really prefer you find out about this book by yourselves.

I would like you to understand this book’s purpose, why I used the Samurai Parable, and why this book is also about Zen, Psychology and Emotions.

Hence, before buying it, you have to understand what it is all about and you may want to  :

Let’s talk about it before you buy it, while you’re reading it or once you’ve read it.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the book.

Talk to you soon.



Available on Amazon

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